Astrosynthesis AstroDB Browser

This script allows you to browse astrodb files created by NBOS' Astrosynthesis3 in a limited capacity.

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Viewing Object: "Fenix Field" (14)

Viewing Object: "Fenix Field" (14)

KeyRaw ValueConversions
id 14
system_id 6
parent_id 6
id_string {5BAACAD1-9B8E-44E7-9A81-0AAB79C51CAB}
name Fenix Field
type_id 106 Small Body
body_type <empty>
spectral <empty>
distance 126520410 Orbit Period: 58 days, 23 hours
126,520,410 km, 0.846 AU
Geostationary: (0.000 km)
radius <empty>
density <empty>
mass <empty>
rotation 16
luminosity <empty>
albedo <empty>
temp <empty>
atmosphere <empty>
atm_notes <empty>
water <empty>
population <empty>
child_population <empty>
habitability <empty>
child_habitability <empty>
body_count <empty>
political_affiliation <empty>
sphere_influence <empty>
sphere_color 12632256 #C0C0C0     
sphere_size 0.5
notes <empty>
gm_notes <empty>
color 16775930 #FAFAFF     
label_color 255 #FF0000     
font_style <empty>
dso_intensity <empty>
render_distance 30
label_distance 20
route_distance 40
visible 1
retrograde_orbit 1
eccentricity 0.21
inclination 65
angle_ascending_node <empty>
angle_periapsis <empty>
time_offset <empty>
axial_tilt 200 200°
orbital_plane_x <empty>
orbital_plane_y <empty>
orbital_plane_z <empty>
orbit_color 16711680 #0000FF     
x <empty>
y <empty>
z <empty>
random_seed 327964248
fwe_color_group <empty>
preview_image_file <empty>
blazon_image_file <empty>
blazon_display <empty>
blazon_wrap <empty>
has_atm_comp <empty>
has_fields <empty>
has_sdc <empty>
has_fcg <empty>
model <empty>


AstroDB size: 7.15 MiB
Page generated in 0.0022 seconds.

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Because the creator of AstroDB Viewer script finds it easier to use older stuff and doesn't build websites anymore.